How Are You?

How many people do you pass by a day? Stop for a moment and think about those who surround you. You're at your workplace, brushing someone's shoulder in the hallway. Who are they? You're at your desk, co-workers are in your building, people are surrounding you, everywhere. Who do 'they' consist of? You go into Kroger and you say, "Pardon me," to the gal who nearly plummeted into your cart--who was she? You're a daughter or a son, a wife or husband, mom or dad; who do you come home to? Do you have family in town? Do you communicate often? Is your family living long distance from you, perhaps many miles away? How are they doing? 

Stop and pause. 
Close your eyes. 

Your top five friends. Who are they? How are they? Okay, now close your eyes again. Take a deep breath and count with me to ten. Open them. And now I want to know: 

How are YOU? 

When is the last time you were asked this question? Did you think to yourself, "I can't tell you. You wouldn't get it. My struggles are different from yours. You and I are complete opposites." So you probably responded with, "I'm good!" and hurried right along. But do you have someone, who when they ask this question, the sometimes dreaded three words, how are you, that you can honestly answer, not just with a socially acceptable one? 

While I was journaling tonight, what I continued to come back around to was this very question. And honestly? For the first time in a VERY long time, I was able to write that I am doing WELL. And even more honestly, that felt wrong to admit! How can I be doing 'good' when others are suffering? Surely something has to be wrong in my life? There has to be something wrong!

But you know what? My husband and I are HAPPY; we've been married for seven and a half years and let me tell you, the last two years have consisted of a lot of healing and reconciliation for us. Praise God, right!!? My kids are healthy and happy. Don't get me wrong, they are EXHAUSTING; but they're two and three and what kid isn't tiring? I have experienced a lot of growth in the last year. I've set boundaries in my heart and personal life from certain relationships because I *finally* listened to God's voice. I've said a lot more "no's" and a lot less "I'm sorry's," and this is OKAY because my Creator has given me direction. I've set huge goals and am at the beginning stages of living a life of purpose, and well?? 

I'm realizing that it is OKAY for this to be a season of goodness. 

But do you know what I think is so important? Honesty. Be real with someone in your life today. Can you? And if things are going well for you, share that goodness and encourage someone else. And if your friend answers YOU honestly, and maybe shares about the sadness or stresses in their life, listen! I may be completely different from you, have dreams that you think you can't relate to, be working a career that you can't understand; but I promise, God created us to have fellowship with one another, no matter our differences. And do you want to know what else? I sincerely want to know how you are! 

Are you struggling with anything today? Are you chasing perfect and wishing that life would just slow down? Are you filling your mind with guilt, comparison, or deeming yourself unworthy? 

One thing you need to know about me is that I am far from perfect. Above, when I said that things in my life are going well, didn't mean that life was going perfectly. Do I struggle with stress? Yes. Do I tend to be neurotic? Yep. Do I drink enough water? Never. Do I exercise as often as I think I "should?" Nope. Do I doubt my friendships, my relationships, my ability to be a mother and wife? Often, yes. But I can finally say with confidence that in this season, I am finding more to be positive about then negative, and this is HUGE for me. 

So again, how are you? 

And if you don't feel comfortable commenting below, shoot me an e-mail. How can I pray for you? In what ways can I encourage you? How can I be a friend, a listening ear, for you in your current season? Do you have praises that you need someone to rejoice with you over?! Maybe you need a virtual CONGRATULATIONS. Whatever you are thinking, right now, after reading this post, I pray that you will give it to God and share it with someone today. 

Thank you for walking with me, friends! And thank you for being YOU, because no matter what, YOU are great.