Great Golden Breeding — New Blogs — Ashley Glass

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Great Golden Breeding

Hi There, I'm Jack Bogart

ashley glass blog

Well, Friends. We did a thing.

Golden Retrievers are basically my love language, so it was a no brainer when Asa and I finally felt ready to add to our clan. We prayed and prayed and looked and looked and ultimately decided that Great Golden Breeding near Morehead, Kentucky would be where our new pup came from. We picked him up on Labor Day and trust me when I say it was SO hard to choose. ALL of the boy puppies were so great! We knew we wanted a boy because Asa has missed HIS boy so dearly—our wonderful Humphrey Bogart, and we wanted to get another guy in his honor. That’s why his name is Jack Bogart. After our sweet boy we had twelve incredible years with.

We were number three in line to choose from the male puppies, and when we got there, we knew we had chosen the right breeder. Farah was incredible, kind, patient, and very helpful and her facility for the pups was wonderful! It was such a fun memory that I hope our kids remember forever!

Not a day goes by that I don’t miss our Elsa Noel. My first American Golden. This boy is in honor of BOTH Asa and I’s first kids ;) Welcome to the family, Jack Bogart. So far we call you Jack Jack, Jackie Boy, and Reese calls you Bubba.

Emma sure was surprised and as reserved as I was to GET another dog, gosh they both make my heart so full. She adores him SO much and he just loves her. They play and play and Emma is so patient and gentle with her new baby. We wrapped him up and told her we had gotten her a gift.

Bring on the potty training, some sleepless nights, and ALL the Golden kisses. Here’s to the newest chapter in our life. We are very, very excited!