Cleaning Supplies

Essential Oils: How to Grab Your Starter Kit


Hi, Friends!! I’m so happy you are here and are interested in learning more about Essential Oils! This post will help you step by step, so leave this tab open and get started!

Sign up as a Member this does not mean you have to sell oils ever, it just means you are getting a starter kit & will therefore get 24% off retail prices!

ORDER HERE  – and make sure the number 20381963 appears in both the “Enroller” and “Sponsor ID” fields. Sign up as a MEMBER to get the 24% off! (See below for FAQ). Reminder you do not have to sell oils ever! 

Next you can choose to set up your Essential Rewards monthly auto ship (by picking out a few other items like the Thieves cleaner, Grapefruit, Tangerine, or White Angelica essential oils) to try out next month! We highly recommend this optional program as a way to order those things you wish to have outside the kit and begin to cut toxins from your home with YL cleaning products & makeup.

When you sign up as a member buying a starter kit you are not only joining us, you get to join a much larger community as well! We have private wellness groups on Facebook that are designed to help YOU get acquainted with your oils and learn all the fun and different ways to use them. In these groups you can draw on the experience and knowledge of thousands of other oils users. Ask questions and find endless DIY’s, recipes and so much more!

If you are interested in selling the oils and sharing about the company I am passionate about helping women earn income to help support their families! We have monthly business bootcamps & provide mentorship to everyone who joins our community!

What can you use oils for?
 For just about everything!! Whether you are looking for oils to help you sleep, for natural immune system support, for energy, focus, or relaxation, for your kids, or for natural alternatives to cleaning products – the list is endless – there is an oil for that!! And you will learn along the way, there aren’t hard set rules, but part of joining our oils team is that you get access to the most amazing resources & our private Facebook community.

Why Young Living? YL has an unmatched Seed to Seal process to guarantee the purity & potency of every oil. Each batch of oils is rigorously tested in house for therapeutic viability & they are so confident in their products that you can actually visit the farms & participate in the harvest/distillation process.

How can you use oils? You can diffuse them (you get a diffuser in your starter kit!) which is great for making your house smell great, helping your babies or kids relax at night for bed, getting rid of unwanted odors in the house & more. Or you can apply oils topically (some require a carrier oil like coconut oil; you’ll learn all about that later!). You can make rollerball combos, creams, sprays, and just about anything!!

How will I learn how to use my kit? You’ll get plenty of reading material with your kit, but as mentioned above, you’ll also get access to our exclusive Facebook community full of amazing resources, including things like how to use each oil in your kit, which oils to avoid around kids or while pregnant/nursing, and all of the dilution ratios for individual oils. We have classes, books, live Facebook hangouts & search functionality that will help you navigate through any questions you might have.

What should I get? A premium starter kit, which comes with 12 of the most commonly used oils + your diffuser (I recommend the Desert Mist, it has a flicker setting to give you all of the candle feelings!), two NingXia Red samples, a Thieves Cleaner sample, a Thieves Hand Purifier, two Roller Fitments, the most gorgeous guide to ALL things oils & the wholesale membership that you only buy once. This is the best value & provides you with everything you need to get started. You’ll get over $400 worth of product for only $165.

Do you have to order more oils monthly or sell them? Nope! Your kit can be a one time purchase, but along with it comes a wholesale membership, which just means that should you decide to purchase oils in the future, you would get a 24% discount! You will also get a personal referral link should you ever decide that you want to share them, but neither is required.

If you still have questions or just want to chat more about oils, shoot me an email here.

***Any suggestions made on this blog are very specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with oils from another source. Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please do not stop.

Life with Six Indoor Pets, Yes...SIX!

If you are new here, hi! We are the Glass Family. We have been married for ten years, have two small children ages five and six, and we also have three cats, two dogs, and two horses! [Clearly the horses aren’t included in the ‘indoor pets’ status, but if I had it my way, they definitely would be] ;)

So, what’s our home like? When you hear ‘Golden Retriever’ and ‘Lab,’ you automatically think floating hair balls, right? Well, yeah. That does happen. We have been asked, “Do they shed a lot?” Well, yeah, they do, ha ha! We make sure to vacuum, a LOT [thank you trusty, cordless vac!] and we generally love a CLEAN house. “But, Ashley, is that even possible with as many animals as you have?” Yup! It sure is! Daily we make it our priority to put clutter and toys away, run the vacuum, and dust surfaces. I recently partnered with Swiffer and Febreze to help get the job done, and Y’all, without their products, my home wouldn’t be nearly as clean as it is. We have hardwood floors throughout the first floor and in the upstairs hallway. I am SO dang thankful for the Swiffer Sweeper Dry and Wet Mop! [Do you have one of these?!]


One of the things I love most about this mop is how quickly and efficiently it DOES pick up those floating hairs and loose pieces of dirt. It’s incredibly easy to use and it leaves our floors super shiny.


Our dogs daily sleep in our bedroom. When they were younger and before our older guy Humphrey was prone to having accidents (sigh), they had free roam of the house. When we did it that way, it was nice because there wasn’t one designated dog space, which never left that distinct ‘odor.’ Not that our room reeks or is disgusting, but if you own dogs you know that if they’re shut in a room (especially if you have more than one), when you open the door you can SMELL their dog scent. Thankfully, Febreze Fabric for the win, which also if you’re a pet owner you probably (hopefully?!) already know of this product! We use this incredibly often—it’s 100% safe to use on our rugs, bedding, and even the dog bed that resides in our bedroom too!

While I could go on about these products for a very long time, the last thing I want to mention for this post is my favorite dusting tool. Swiffer Dusters Heavy Duty Pet is 10000% ideal for ALL dusting purposes. It traps and locks up to 3x more dust and allergens, and I love that 360 movement really traps all our pesky dust in, even in small nooks and crannies. (Side note: sometimes our cats think that this is a toy for THEM?! So you should probably be prepared to shoo your cute feline friend away while trying to dust your own surfaces. It always makes for a good laugh while cleaning though!)

So, yes, we have SIX indoor pets. But our goal is that that wouldn’t be super noticeable when you walk in our front door. We aim to keep our floors and furniture hair and dust free, and that there wouldn’t be any pesky pet odors. Swiffer offers easy-to-use sweeping, mopping, and dusting cleaning tools for virtually every household surface. They’re quick and help you not sweat your pet so your family can spend less time worrying about the mess and more time playing with your pet. And Febreze makes it so that our home is always fresh smelling, no matter where our pets sleep :) Where can you get these products? We always get them at our nearby Kroger, where we get the vast majority of our cleaning/household/grocery related needs!

I am curious what you use in your house when it comes to cleaning products? Leave a message in the comment below and fill us in, maybe there’s something I should add to our must haves!