
Nacho Island Night!


A few years ago we went to an epic nacho night at our friends house. They have an incredible island (it’s HUGE) and Asa had the idea to wrap it in parchment paper and throw down some nachos. Well, the last year or so hasn’t allowed to us to ya know, hang OUT with friends…so recently we were extra thankful to host our own epic nacho night with another great couple!

We don’t play when it comes to nachos. They are Asa’s favorite food and a huge family favorite. You can make nachos however YOU like, but here’s how Asa does his:

-Sauté onions and brown your Kentucky Cattlemen’s Ground Beef
-Season with your very taco seasoning
-Top with corn, black beans, tomatoes (jalapeños too if you like!)
-And NEVER skimp out on the QUESO, my friends!

Because of the parchment paper, clean up is SUPER easy!! Basically you each claim a corner of the nacho island and then that’s your very own ‘plate!’ It’s genius, it’s fun, and it’s delicious. Tell us when you try this, I want to hear what YOUR favorite nacho toppings are!

Spruce Your Space with Tuesday Morning


This post is sponsored by Tuesday Morning but all opinions are my own

If you’ve followed me a while, you’ve probably noticed that a lot of my posts are about social gatherings and us hosting our loved ones. ‘Gather’ is the word that was our family’s word before it became popular ;) When we lived downtown in a rougher part of town, we stood by that one word and hosted as often as we could. The neighborhood boys would often be on our porch, swinging with me on our swing. We would help them with homework, pass out ice cream sandwiches, and enjoyed every second of loving the people around us. This is our third spring in our new home (I can’t believe it’s been that long!) and what we love most about THIS house, is the natural light + the back deck. We have had so much fun turning our deck into a regular hosting space, and with the help of Tuesday Morning, I feel as though we’ve made it even better and brighter! Last summer I felt as though I couldn’t find the right pops of color accessory wise, so when we went browsing through our nearest Tuesday Morning, they did not disappoint. All the textures and patterns make me so happy and also make me feel like way less of the boring person I often feel that I am ;) (We’ve talked about my wardrobe struggles, right?)

Whether it is to come outside after the kids are in bed to just breathe in the quiet and coolness of the air, or to have our Sunday lunches with friends and family—the deck has become my sanctuary at home. Something else that we picked up from Tuesday Morning were some new flower pots. Asa loves to garden and does an amazing job. I am the flower lady, and no joke, weekly will get fresh flowers to have around our house. I also love to have potted flowers though, and find a lot of joy in pruning and watering during the spring and summers. These pots are so beautiful, and add to the different textures spread out around our back deck.

I think it can be really easy to forget the spaces that exist in our home, even when we walk by them or through them every day. Tuesday Morning really made revamping our deck possible, and I can’t encourage you, my readers, enough to do the same! The transformation that this deck has seen has been incredible. When we moved in, obviously nothing was out here. Piece by piece we’ve added to it, discovering our personal style and what we really love along the way. For me, it’s cozy blankets and pillows that I can curl up on/under with a good book or while talking to a friend. For my husband, it’s having the space with enough chairs and seating to host as many people as we can. (His love language legit, is hospitality.) We have been really impressed with the savings we received while shopping at Tuesday Morning, as well as the uniqueness in items that we found.

Have you ever been to YOUR local Tuesday Morning?? Click here to find your closest store, and I would hurry, while summer is on the horizon, because availability is limited and you want to make sure you find THE best items that woos YOUR heart and soul. Whether Asa and I sit at that colorful round table drinking coffee on the weekends or are curled up together on that chaise lounge, we are SO impressed with how Tuesday Morning helped us tie everything we’ve purchased together. Revamp your forgotten spaces, Friends. Do something for you, bring your favorite people into your space, and let Tuesday Morning help!

An Eggscellent Easter Spread for Your Sunday Meal!


Cheesiest caption ever—but seriously. As you all know, my husband is the Chef in our family, and he did NOT disappoint with our recent [early] Easter spread. This year we decided we wanted to host some friends and get together, so that’s what we did! My number one request for basically every formal (or informal, who am I kidding) meal my husband makes, is that he makes his amazing Deviled Eggs. I posted a story on Instagram about it and asked if anyone else was as obsessed with them as I am, and did you know that in Australia, no one really eats them!? This sweet gal said, “No, but I’ve also never really had a deviled egg before, they aren’t popular here.” I told her that she desperately needed to change that, OR she should fly to Kentucky so my husband can prepare some for her the right way. Easy, right? ;)


My mother-in-law actually took the kids to a movie for some of the afternoon, and so it was REALLY nice to have a meal in our formal dining room fellowshipping with some of our favorite people, without them interrupting. I love them to death, but let’s face it, sometimes you can’t get much catching up when you have a busy five and six year old present. (They did show up towards the end though, and they were equally as happy to see our friends and eat their Dad’s delicious food.)

While we tend to have too much food no matter the holiday (no complaints there!) we like to keep things pretty simple. For our Friends Easter, we enjoyed a delicious ham, honey glazed carrots, green beans, baguettes, deviled eggs, and another favorite of mine…mashed potatoes! We also indulged in the desserts, and went with a yummy Kroger Carrot Cake, and cute Easter themed sugar cookies. YUM!

If you’re looking for some Easter inspiration, I hope this helps! If you need to pick my husband’s brain for recipe ideas, or any further details, don’t hesitate to e-mail me. He really is an amazing cook and I am SO thankful for him!!

Here are a couple of the items Asa (my husband) whipped up. You’ll have to tell me if you re-created any of these ideas or how this post inspired YOUR Easter planning! Happy Holiday, sweet friends!

Everything found in this blog post was purchased at our local Kroger, but it was not sponsored by them. I just wanted to show you what we did for this meal and thought it may be helpful to know where we got everything, decorations included!

Gather with Havertys: Finger Food+ Charcuterie Style


Sometimes fancy meals and extensive dinners are fun, but other times you crave simplicity. This past Sunday we had so much fun sitting on the floor, eating in our newly designed living room (thank you, Havertys!!!), and laughing with dear friends. My husband enjoyed choosing the foods for this meal, and my big requests were pesto, a fresh baguette, and a variety of cheeses. Guess what, Y'all? He did NOT disappoint!! 

I've had so many compliments on this cocktail table from Havertys, so go ahead and click here to see more details. It definitely served us well this warm autumn afternoon. We had refreshing cranberry mock-tails mixed with Asa's homemade simple syrup--keep reading for the recipe! 

We did a mix of charcuterie boards and antipasto. Fresh baguettes, peppered salami, roasted red peppers, Swiss cheese, gruyere, prosciutto, grapes, sun-dried tomatoes, (I may have begged for a cheese ball) fresh mozzarella (aka HEAVEN), and, you betcha--pesto! Ha ha!  

Oh, you see that NAVY BLUE SOFA up there behind all that delectable food? Don't worry--you can have one too! Click here to check it out, and remember, you can design your dreams away with H Designers through Havertys, and ALL the employees are super helpful. And the insanely plush and comfy rug that my sweet senior dog is on? Check that here

We try to have special Sunday meals regularly throughout the month, and to make them a really memorable event. It's one of my favorite days of the week because all of this, right here, is unforgettable. What you can't hear through the photos is our son Pierson writing letters to Santa and asking us how to spell certain words. And our daughter Reese laughing and walking around with her backpack on, getting ready for 'work.' 


It's always a good day when the kids enjoy the food too--and as you can see, ours did. There was one dilemma... all of the animals felt that the table was perfectly at THEIR level? So keeping them away was quite the struggle. Don't judge me on this photo below ;) 


The rest of the afternoon was spent pretty much outdoors, or else running up and down the stairs and playing all sorts of silly games. One of Pierson's favorites is to dangle his legs out of the banister to get Asa to jump up and grab them. The living room has been our spot, where we sit and mingle and talk and catch up. It's also where we ended the night to start The Grinch; truth be told the weekend had me exhausted and my KIDS had me exhausted--and just sitting in quiet to watch a Christmas movie was really divine. (#momlife)


Okay, and now for the sweet twist to this blog post: Asa's Cranberry Simple Syrup Recipe: 

-Combine 1 cup of sugar, and 1/2 a cup of water.
-Bring to a boil. Add in 6oz of fresh cranberries, and the juice from two oranges.
-Toss in the whole oranges (rind and all). Add 1 tbsp cinnamon, and 1 tsp each clove and allspice. Simmer until thickened.
-Pour everything in a blender and let her rip. Strain the pulp reserving the syrup for your mocktail.  
-For the mocktail fill your shaker with ice. Its very important you shake this drink. Add in 1oz of the cranberry simple syrup, and 4 oz of sprite or club soda. (I suppose you could always add a little rum or bourbon it that's your thing.) Shake well.
-Serve with a little twist of orange. 

Now I'd love to hear from YOU! What is your favorite FOOD memory; it can entail something that you cooked, your mom cooked, or that you would die to know HOW to cook. And you know that I adore Shauna Niequist, so I'm leaving you with one of her endearing quotes: 

"Gather the people you love around your table and feed them with love and honesty and creativity. Feed them with your hands and the flavors and smells that remind you of home and beauty and the best stories you’ve ever heard, the best stories you’ve ever lived."