
A Mama's Feelings About The Pandemic

ashley glass blog

“Dad, I’m sorry I made new friends and wanted to play with them.”

-Reese Elisabeth. January 19, 2021

Unprovoked, not guilted, not shamed, not scolded. Just a girl who felt badly today when she rode her bike in the neighborhood and excitedly saw some girls close to her age.


That’s how I feel. That’s how we feel. And I would bet it’s how YOU feel too.

How old are your kids? Reese is seven years old, Pierson is eight. And this is their childhood. When every day, we are reminded that the world around us is CRUMBLING, still, with the global pandemic. It’s been no one’s FAULT. A LOT of people have gotten sick, are sick, I will never poo poo that.

But right now, my heart hurts for kids. Asa grew up in a subdivision type neighborhood and remembers riding his bike ALL day with friends from all over it. Being outside for hours on end, running and playing….and since I grew up in the country and NOT in a neighborhood, I just remember playing with the cows next door and having ZERO issues. I’m kiddingggggg, I remember going to church every Sunday and playing with my best friends, and I have all the best memories of playing Barbie dolls, going for walks and just enjoying being a GIRL.

The past year? My kids were robbed of that. Will there be other times and moments for them to make friends? Sure. But read the quote at the start of this post again. “I’m sorry I made new friends and wanted to play with them.”

There’s really nothing I can do to FIX this. Both Asa and I are getting the covid vaccine soon (Asa on FRIDAY of this week); as teachers in a huge district and the need for these kids to GO back to in person classes, we believe it’s what is best. And you know what? I hope and pray that the ‘right amount’ of people will GET vaccinated, and that the spread will lessen insanely. I hope and pray my kids can run and play and be wild and crazy and play tag and hide and seek and ride bikes and go IN the houses of FRIENDS.

My sweet girl. The one I was so shocked and frankly upset to be pregnant with EIGHT years ago this week. She’s my warrior. My spitfire. My Spunky Brewster.

When Asa Glass kissed my forehead that day and said, “We’re going to have a baby,” little did he or WE know…how stinking BLESSED we would be. Oh how I remember those thoughts: I wasn’t ready to be pregnant AGAIN, or to have a baby AGAIN. And look at her now. Reese has big feelings (like her mama) and she has a huge heart. She’s an extrovert at large and thrives on relationships. Friends are her love language (like her daddy.)

Our kids, Y’all. They’re not perfect but man do they have hearts of gold! If you’re hurting for your kids lately, will you comment on this post? We are in this together, mamas (and daddies) and friends and family. Asa shared to his Twitter account how he was sad for Reese with her statement and he had two friends immediately respond: “It’s hard for a 39 year old.” “And a 37…”

It’s HARD! And I’m giving you a big, giant, smothered HUG right now!

“Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD.” -Jeremiah 17:7


Will You Adopt Me? Late Night Thoughts From This Teacher/Mama's Heart

ashley glass blog

Have you ever been asked by a child, “Will you adopt me?”

I will NEVER forget when I was asked those four words. It brought back memories of when I opened our front door on Jackson Street close to downtown Louisville, and my favorite little boys stood there in front of me, eyes wide and full of anticipation—they said, “Our brother was killed last night.” Two different scenarios, but the feeling in my soul felt the same. What do you say? To a child with innocent eyes, whose heart is beyond broken; what HOPE can you offer them?

The moment in which I was asked if I could adopt is one with a lot of background. She was a former student, who I had as a fourth and fifth grader…Enter middle school, and she was back in a location where she was in need of treatment for some really poor choices she had made. After she confided in me the numerous [poor] decisions that she had made, including running away from her foster home, was when she said, “Mrs. Glass, will YOU adopt me?!”

I am always honest with my students. I don’t believe in sugar coating but at the same time, I also don’t believe in being MEAN. So in a kind but upfront tone, which she was very familiar with, I said, “Girl, what do you expect me to do with that information!? I have two small kids at home; how could this work with everything you JUST told me?” What do you think she said…….?

“But Mrs. Glass, I would BE good. I would be great for you and Mr. Glass.”

In March of 2019, there were over 10,000 children in the state of Kentucky in foster care. I tell you this not to overwhelm you, but to show you that the need for care of children is very REAL where I live. There is an epidemic of neglect, parental drug use, abandonment, abuse, and more. And this is on my heart, ALL THE TIME.

It was time for me to head home that day, so I smiled and told her that I hope she knows I love her, and that I really needed her to take care of herself. She smiled back and HAPPILY said, “Okay, Mrs. Glass. Tell Mr. Glass I said hi!”

Flash forward to the summer of 2019. We had been traveling a lot, and my mind was in that ‘I’m on vacation mode,’ which means I wasn’t in school or student mode. But she still crossed my mind often, and I was still praying for her a lot. And then I woke up to an email in my inbox.

“I am contacting you to see if you would like to be part of her support network OR consider her for adoption,” it read. It was her adoption recruiter who was reaching out, and she went on to say that this student had identified me as someone who she significantly looked up to, and I had a good relationship with.” Y’all. I felt WRECKED.

As I read, internally I was feeling a gazillion different things. I knew I (WE) couldn’t exactly say YES to adoption; we hardly knew (know) her, and there are a lot of risks when taking on that sort of responsibility with children who have suffered from psychiatric challenges, and who have had a LOT of trauma in their personal lives—especially when you have your own young kids to think about. But I at that moment knew without a doubt God was (is) doing SOMETHING in our lives with this young lady. Asa was so supportive from the beginning of this, as he always is (thank you, Lord for an amazing and empathetic husband!!) and he said, “Ash, we’ll figure it out. We can absolutely be part of her support system, whatever that may entail.” I quickly e-mailed her worker back and told her that I would 1.) check with my workplace and see what the protocol was and 2.) that we were definitely interested in helping however she thought we could.

Then, the rest of the summer it went kinda quiet. I thought about her daily, wondering how she was, WHERE she was, and praying that the Lord would continue to do HIS will and that I wouldn’t be selfish in any of this, or trying to be the hero. From the beginning she was someone I connected with, who I desperately wanted to help and who I saw as someone who could be SO successful…if she was with the right family. This is a teenage girl, who I honestly believe has never experienced what it means to BELONG. Her younger siblings were adopted all together, and she was left, yet again, alone. I don’t know if she knows what it feels like to be loved by a parent or an adult in general. Truth be told, I don’t know her well at ALL—but you know what?


Thankfully I was given the okay to be on her contact list, and that was the next step. And then a month or so ago, I received another inquiry from her case worker—this time she informed me that the student was going into a new foster family, but her team was wondering if we would consider being Respite Care for her should the family need it. Yet again, that was something Asa and I had to talk about, and ultimately we decided YES, we would. I told her worker that ideally, we would be able to meet with her and get to know her better before they hypothetically call us for that, so that’s where we have left off! I’ve been able to have several phone calls with this sweet teen this month and each one has been SO happy and positive. I always ask, “What’s GOOD?” and ask positively framed questions. I go soon to have an in person visit with her and I am SO excited.

Maybe wherever you are tonight, you wouldn’t mind saying a prayer for her? I can’t say names and I won’t ever talk about things that are protected through privacy laws, but God will know who you are talking about! She’s thirteen, has a heart of gold, and is just a kid who needs to be loved. I am praying that her current foster family is one of the GOOD ones, that she can be willing to BE loved by them, and that she is SAFE. I want so badly for her to choose success, to choose life, to choose hope.

Thanks, sweet friends. If you can’t tell, my heart tends to break for those who need rescuing. I recently started teaching high school and it was mind-blowing to me how many of my current students are also in foster care…one fourteen year old recently found out that he wasn’t going back to a family member to live with and he said, “You know…you could adopt me!” Oh if only I could, guys. If only I had all the time and resources in the world to give EVERY one of these kids a safe and loving home, I would in a heartbeat!

Thirty Things to be Inspired By: Practicing Mindfulness

Ashley Glass Blog

In 2016 I launched this blog and when I did, I had zero expectations. But the more traction the blog got, the more views, the more followers it led to on Instagram, the more I was inspired by it. I was inspired to create more and do more and make more and be more.

Recently while I was doing my early morning walk with my Golden Girls (our dogs), I looked around listened. It was pitch dark except for the glow of a full moon, and the neighborhood was completely still. I listened to my breaths and inhaled and exhaled deeply, paying close attention to the rhythm and release of tension. Life is more than a screen. It is more than numbers on Instagram; than likes, followers, engagement, and data. It is more than hustling, than always being busy. Life is so much more, and maybe you could use that reminder too. I’ve forgotten to be inspired by the things that matter. This is a simple little post reminding myself of some things I love so much:

-The first sip of coffee in the morning
-Quiet morning walks with my Golden Retrievers
-A purring cat sleeping on my chest
-Scented candles, specifically seasonal ones: pumpkin in Autumn, gingerbread in Winter, lemon and clean scents in Summer, and all things floral in Spring
-Fuzzy socks, all the sweatpants, and baggy sweatshirts (oh, and after work when the bra comes off) ;)
-Cuddling our puppy Emma, or really any and all Golden Retrievers
-Sleepytime Tea or Lavender blends
-The biggest and thickets blankets you can find
-Being held by my husband to fall asleep at night. He doesn’t like my cold feet but he takes one for the team and big spoons me anyway
-Currently binge watching: Veronica Mars
-Riding my horses through open fields being completely quiet; remembering how blessed I am to have the things that I used to pray the most for
-Journaling when I make that happen
-Reading a good book, when I can make that happen
-My kids’ laughter, their giant hugs, when they call me Mama
-Walking with my husband and the dogs
-Watching our kids ride their bikes and feeling my heart swell with SUCH pride
-Holidays: Christmas and Halloween are my current favorites with the kids
-Fall, and the beauty and crispness that makes it such a nostalgic season
-Our wood fireplace
-Warm chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies
-Peanut Butter Pie
-All things Italian
-Fancy cheeses and charcuterie boards (clearly I’m hungry….)
-Dreaming of our future, even though I have no clue what it looks like or entails
-2 story farmhouses, and how I won’t ever stop dreaming for one of my own
-Front porches, I miss ours
-Porch swings, I miss ours
-Hand written letters and cards
-Kind words
-Bedtime with my kids; tickling backs and listening to quiet lullaby music
-Praying with my kids
-Going on dates with my husband
-Printed photographs and reminiscing days gone by
-Taking photos of other people and helping families/individuals freeze memories
-Loving women and connecting with women around the world
-Friends who stay (the ones that pursue even in the busy seasons, the ones that love you in spite of everything they know about you)
-God, even if I can’t grasp just how big and good He truly is (Psalm 147:5 “Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure..”)

What about for you? What do you need to reflect on and remember that you love? Y ’all, the days are busy and they are also fleeting. I can be frustrated about many things, but I’m going to blink and wonder where the days went because I already do that—how were my kids ever babies, how are we where we are in life? There is so much goodness surrounding all of us, even amongst a lot of difficulties. I encourage you to take some time to write down or mentally reflect on the things that make you smile, of the reasons that you too, are blessed.

Happy new week, Friends. Send me a message if you want to connect, you always have a friend here!

Rules of Engagement: What We Stand By While Fighting

Rules of Engagement: What We Stand By While Fighting

The rules of engagement. Learning to fight with your spouse or partner isn’t easy. Read this post to learn how my husband and I have grown over the years, and what we hold very highly in regards to fighting fair.